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Three types of baby photoshoot, and the ideal age for each!

The first question clients usually ask about baby photoshoots is what age their little one should be, so I thought I'd write a little post about it!

In your child's first year, there are three perfect ages for baby photoshoots. I offer all three types of baby photography to my lovely families in Coventry, Warwickshire and the West Midlands, so I'll talk about each one in more detail below.


Coventry newborn photoshoot

If you had to choose only one photoshoot for your baby, a newborn photoshoot is the one I would recommend. Why? Because (and I know it's so cliché) they really, really don't stay that little for longer than a few weeks.

The best age for a newborn photoshoot is anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks old. I photograph newborns up to 6 weeks - this gives you time to recover from the birth and get to know your new arrival before having to worry about anything like photos.

However, if you are looking for that really "fresh" tiny little newborn look in your photos, I would recommend your baby is under 3 weeks.


A sitter is a baby who can sit up unaided.

They can't walk yet and they can maybe shuffle but they aren't really crawling either.

The best age for a sitter session, (otherwise known as a baby portrait) is between 7 and 10 months.

Of course if your little one is over 10 months and still isn't galloping around yet (my son decided he would wait until he was 14 months before he could be bothered to get up on his feet!), they fall into this category too.

What's so good about a sitter session? Sitting age babies have the most delicious rolls and squishy little arms and legs, and they are full of personality. They haven't entered into toddlerdom yet, and are often happy, babbling and bright-eyed. They can play with a toy and interact with their family members - all of which make the most perfect moments to photograph! - and they are easy to pop into the most flattering light without immediately crawling or walking off!


coventry cake smash photoshoot Warwickshire cake smash photography
The perfect age for a face full of cake!

Once nothing more than a slightly quirky import from the USA, Cake smashes (at least here in Coventry and the rest of Warwickshire and the West Midlands) have become insanely popular, and for good reason. What could be a better way to celebrate your child's first birthday than with delicious cake and a photoshoot full of fun?

The best age for a cake smash photoshoot is just around your baby's 1st birthday - if you're lucky with the dates and availability, maybe even on the day itself!

What about 2nd and 3rd birthday cake smashes? These are also so much fun, but are always better outdoors - 2 and 3 year olds are much faster and stronger than just-turned-one year-olds, and nobody wants cake on the walls, on the windows or in the sofa cushions...! I offer cake smashes for 1 year olds at my studio, and for 2 + 3 year olds outdoors (or in your home if you are feeling brave...!)



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